Posted on 8/27/2021

Problems with car starts are significantly annoying. The worst part is that there are hundreds of reasons why your car may not be starting. Below we've narrowed it down to the five most common causes. Low or Empty Gas Tank If you're an individual who likes to drive until your gas gauge is sitting on empty, that might be the sole reason why your vehicle won't start. While it's inconvenient, low gas is not a difficult problem to fix. Next time, try not to let it happen, especially during the winter. When your car sits outdoors in freezing temperatures, the air in your gas tank could moisten and freeze. Dead Battery A dead battery is usually the culprit for not starting your car, and it's prevalent in the hot summer. Higher temperatures put a heavier strain on your battery so that you may be welcomed with a dead battery in the fall. You'll need to jump-start it for a temporary fix, but you'll probably need to get it to the repair shop ... read more
Posted on 8/13/2021

If you own a vehicle that has been with you for more than ten years, you may be curious about how long cars are meant to last. Automobiles do not have an expiration date, so when do you know that it's time to let one of them go? On average, a vehicle will last approximately 11-12 years on the road. However, with good maintenance and attention, your vehicle can last even longer. Believe it or not, the Guinness World Record for the highest vehicle mileage on a personal car has over 3,000,000 miles on it! So - anything can happen! The lifespan of any vehicle will also depend upon the make, model, year of your car, and personal driving habits. Newer automobiles are expected to last even longer than older cars. However, we will see whether that prediction holds later on. Studies have shown that trucks and SUVs tend to have a longer lifespan than any other type. Regardless of what kind of vehicle you operate, understand the actions you could take as an owner to ex ... read more