Posted on 8/31/2023

We all love our cars, but sometimes, our habits behind the wheel can take a toll on our wallet and the environment. How is that, you might ask? Maintaining good fuel efficiency is not just about having the right vehicle; it's also about adopting the proper driving habits - and getting rid of the ones that cause problems. 1. Ignoring Regular Maintenance One of the most significant factors affecting your car's MPG is its overall health. Skipping routine maintenance, like oil changes, air filter replacements, and spark plug checks, can cause your engine to work harder and consume more fuel. 2. Aggressive Driving Revving the engine, slamming on the brakes, and rapid acceleration might make you feel like a racecar driver, but it's terrible for your car's economy. Aggressive driving can increase fuel consumption by up to 40%! Instead, adopt a gentler driving style. Gradual acceleration and smooth braking are not only safer but also kinder to your MPG. 3. Idling Excessive ... read more