Posted on 3/28/2022

The heat of the summer months along with increased traffic on the roads will ultimately cause some wear on your vehicle. Regular maintenance during the summer months is essential to ensure your safety and to avoid breakdowns. Here are some preventative maintenance items to follow before and during the summer months: Air Conditioning - Make sure that your air conditioning is working well before you get hit with that summer heat. A quick inspection of your A/C system will help make sure all is working properly as well as a top-off of coolant. Cooling System - Overheating is the number one cause of breakdowns during the summer, due to a combination of engine heat and environmental heat. The cooling system is what cools down your engine as you drive and is vital for summer months. The cooling system fluid should be exchanged every 24 months. Oil Change - As always, it is important to stay on top of oil changes at the recommended intervals. Low or dirty oil can cause en ... read more