At Woodie's Auto Service & Repair Centers, we want to reassure you that during these trying times, we are designated as an essential business and all locations will remain open during normal business hours for your automotive needs.
The well-being of our employees and customers is our number one priority, so we are now offering both curbside services and complimentary pickup and delivery for your convenience.
We are also implementing the following measures to ensure that we do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- Our staff members are washing their hands often.
- Technicians are required to wear latex gloves on every vehicle and will change them often.
- Advisors are, when available, wearing latex gloves and changing them as often.
- Customer keys are wiped down before placing them in repair order packets.
- Technicians are to use steering wheel covers on all vehicles. (When available)
- Technicians are to use disinfectant to wipe down steering wheel, shifter knob, and door handles before and after working on each car. (When available)
- Wipe down all surfaces and door handles as often as possible, at least hourly in the showrooms.
- All customers are to be offered over the phone payment as long as we receive text or email authorization.
- Weather permitting, we will prop open your front doors, so you don’t have to touch handles.
This is a critical time for our entire community to work together to prevent this from becoming an even greater crisis. If you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, please stay at home and wait until you are well to have your car serviced. We will be here, grateful to greet you when you are feeling better.
We will keep our doors open for the foreseeable future, and will do our best to keep open communication regarding our services as the news and circumstances change.
Please reach out and give us a call if you have any questions. We appreciate you supporting our local business during this difficult time for all. We will continue monitoring the situation and will make appropriate adjustments to our processes when needed to keep our customers and staff members safe.